If the old adage is true, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” then the images created by archaeologists, historians, avocationals, and volunteers speak volumes about historical and underwater archaeology. Images can capture our imagination, take us to foreign lands, and show us faraway sites.
To honor our artistic colleagues, each year the ACUA sponsors a photo and video competition in conjunction with the annual Society for Historical Archaeology Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology. The competition is open to all SHA members and registered meeting attendees. The images are judged during the conference with winners receiving both a ribbon and the adulation of their peers.
Winning images from current and previous years are provided courtesy of the photographer. Please contact them directly for permission to use their work.
At Right: Parcs Canada Underwater archaeologist Marc-André Bernier setting a marine biology sampling quadrant on the port side hull of HMS Erebus. Photo by Thierry Boyer, UAS, Parcs Canada.