The ACUA is composed of twelve directors elected on a rotating basis for four-year terms by the membership of the Society for Historical Archaeology. It includes professionals from state and federal archaeology programs, museums, non-profit institutes, and avocational societies involved in underwater archaeology. It also includes professionals in the fields of conservation and education. Members hail from Europe, Canada, Australia, Mexico, South America, the Caribbean, and the US. Officer terms are three years. All terms expire at the ACUA business meeting held at the annual conference in January.
Chair: Jennifer McKinnon Contact
Vice-Chair: Jeneva Wright Contact
Secretary: Bert Ho Contact
Treasurer: Amy Mitchell-Cook Contact
Board Members

Jennifer McKinnon, Professor, East Carolina University

Sarah Holland, Maritime Archaeologist, Gray & Pape, Inc.

Amy Borgens, State Marine Archaeologist, Texas Historical Commission

Connie Kelleher, Senior Archaeologist
National Monuments Service, Department of House, Local Government and Heritage, National Monuments, Ireland

Megan Lickliter-Mundon, Team Lead Underwater Archaeology
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA)

Maddy Mc Allister, Senior Curator, Maritime Archaeology
Museum of Tropical Queensland, Australia, James Cook University

Athena Trakadas, Maritime Archaeologist, Ocean Decade Heritage Network, Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen

Kendra Kennedy, Maritime Archaeologist, Wisconsin Historical Society

Jeneva Wright, Marine Archaeologist, Pacific Region, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)

Bert Ho, Pacific Region Historic Preservation Officer/Marine Archaeologist , Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)

Caitlin Zant, Maritime Archaeologist and Science Communications, Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary

Joe Grinnan, Maritime Archaeologist, AECOM
Treasurer (2023-2025)

Amy Mitchell-Cook, Professor, History Department, University of West Florida
Publications Editor (2025-2027)

Annalies Corbin, President and CEO, Past Foundation
Ashley Lemke, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Dave Ball, Regional Historic Preservation Office, Pacific OCS, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Marc-Andre Bernier, Manager (retired) Underwater Archaeology Team, Parks Canada
Toni L. Carrell, Vice President, Ships of Discovery
Amanda Evans, UNESCO Committee Chair; Maritime Services Practice Leader, Gray & Pape, Inc.
George R. Fischer (deceased)
Robert Grenier, Chief (retired), Underwater Archaeology Service, Parks Canada
Paul F. Johnston, Curator of Maritime History, NMAH, Smithsonian Institution
Peggy Leshikar-Denton, Director (retired), Cayman Islands National Museum
Pilar Luna Erreguerena (deceased)
Della Scott-Ireton, Associate Director, FPAN
In addition to regularly elected members, the ACUA has Associate Members who provide their insights and expertise on technical issues, education, sport diver training, shipwreck preserves and management, and international issues. These associates may be either individuals, invited because of their particular expertise, or institutions, invited because of their long contributions to the field of underwater archaeology. Graduate Student Associates extend the council’s outreach to and input from the small but active community of students, who are the future of the field. All associate terms are two years.
Individual Associate Members
Chelsea Colwell-Pasch, Colbr Consulting, Inc.
Nicolas C. Ciarlo, Institute of Archaeology, University of Buenos Aires, National Scientific & Technical Research Council
Phil Hartmeyer, NOAA Ocean Exploration
Ray Hayes, Institute of Maritime History
William Hoffman, NOAA Office of Marine Sanctuaries
Martin Klein (retired), Martin Klein (emeritus member)
Nia Ridwan, Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries, Research Institute for Coastal Resources & Coastal Vulnerabilities
Aleck Tan, GIS Specialist, Pacific Legacy, Inc.
Graduate Student Associate Members
Iness Bernier, Nantes University (2024-2025)
River Rivera, Texas A & M University (2024-2025)
Scott Wheeler, University of West Florida (2025-2026)
Aya Omar Esmail, Alexandria Center for Maritime Archaeology (2025-2026)
Institutional Associate Members
Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology
Contact Person: Danielle Wilkinson
USA Contact: Maddy Fowler
Diving With a Purpose
Contact Person: Jay Haigler
Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH)
Subdireccion de Arqueologial Subacuatica (SAS)
Contact Person: Roberto Junco
Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
Contact Person: Chris Sabick
St. Augustine Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program
Contact Person: Chuck Meide
Maritime Archaeology Trust
Contact Person: Garry Momber
Museum of Underwater Archaeology (MUA)
Contact Person: Michelle Damian
Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society (MAHS)
Contact Person: Steven Anthony
Parks Canada, Underwater Archaeology Service
Contact Person: Jonathan Moore, Acting Manager
The Ocean Foundation
Contact Person: Charlotte Jarvis
To Contact any of the Board Members or Associates simply follow the Contact Us link.