The ACUA Underwater Archaeology Proceedings beginning in 2007 are available through multiple sources. You can purchase them at the ACUA storefronts at Ingram Spark or the Lulu Press ACUA Storefront . For international purchases where Ingram or Lulu are not available, we suggest purchasing through your regional Amazon site.

The Proceedings are available in a printed hard copy and as an ePUB. Your purchases help support the publications of the ACUA and the volumes are an important reference tool for students and professionals. Buy your copies and ensure that they will be available well into the future.

The links provided below will take you to the IngramSpark portal for printed copies for Proceeding beginning in 2013 to the present. For earlier volumes, please visit the ACUA Lulu Storefront to purchase printed copies and ePUBs for all of the volumes. You may also purchase ACUA ePUBs through your local ePUB vendor.

To make our publications more widely available, ePUBs from 2007 through 2013 are available for free download on Lulu!

A Bit of History
The ACUA, and its predecessor organization the CUA, have a publishing history dating back to 1964. Our first publication was the landmark Diving Into the Past: Theories, Techniques, and Applications of Underwater Archaeology: The Proceedings of a Conference on Underwater Archaeology Sponsored by the Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, April 26-27, 1963. It was edited by June Drenning Holmquist and Ardis Hillman Wheeler. Subsequently, the conference Proceedings were published annually from 1978-2000 with the support of the Society for Historical Archaeology.