The ACUA committees work to further the goals of equity, education, outreach, preservation, and international cooperation for the protection of the underwater cultural heritage (UCH).
ACUA Committees and Mission Statements
Annual Conference Abstract Review Panel
Mission Statement: To evaluate all underwater archaeological abstracts for quality, content, submission timeliness and compliance with the SHA/ACUA Code of Ethics.
Development Committee
Mission Statement: To spearhead fundraising for the larger organization in support of activities initiated by the board. The Development Committee is also responsible for donor standards, avoidance of conflict of interest, and any other issues that may arise over the course of fundraising. Decisions about how much money is to be raised and what those funds are to be spent on resides with the ACUA at large and not with the Development Committee.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Mission Statement: To track racial justice, diversity, and equity issues, and to identify actions and broad initiatives that will support diversity and equity within the Organization and field of underwater archaeology more broadly
Education Committee
Mission Statement: To provide resources for students and young professionals to be successful in maritime archaeology. The Education Committee also strives to creates opportunities to promote the needs of students and young professionals to educators and potential employers.
George Fischer Student Travel Award Committee
Mission Statement: To support and encourage international students to attend the SHA Conference, present his/her/their research, and have an opportunity for professional development. Preference is given to international students. International students are considered to be those residing or studying in a country other than the country where the conference is being held.
Graduate Student Associate Members
Mission Statement: To bridge the path between students and the professional world of underwater archaeology. Using outreach tools such as social media and newsletters, Graduate Student Associate Members encourage students and others interested in the field to engage in professional development opportunities including conferences, volunteering, internships, field schools, and scholarships. Increased access, education, and participation in underwater archaeology will foster diversity and inclusivity, strengthening the field for future generations. Graduate Student Associate Members serve on the SHA Academic and Professional Training Committee (APTC), co-chair an ATPC-sponsored session at the SHA Conference, and assist with ACUA sponsored social media outreach.
Nominations Committee
Mission Statement: To identify individuals to ensure a broadly-based, diverse group of candidates taking into consideration: all categories of diversity, regional, national and international representation; public and private sector; local, state, federal, organizational, and institutional representation; and associated fields of research and heritage preservation. Both the professional and the avocational should be considered.
Publications Committee
Mission Statement: To encourage and support the dissemination of information to support preservation and stewardship of underwater cultural heritage worldwide.
Submerged Cultural Resources Awareness Workshop Committee
Mission Statement: To introduce non-specialists to issues specific to underwater archaeology. This workshop is not intended to teach participants how to do underwater archaeology, but will introduce different investigative techniques, international best practices, and existing legislation. The purpose of this workshop is to assist non-specialists in recognizing the potential for underwater cultural heritage (UCH) resources in their areas of impact, budgeting for UCH resource investigations, reviewing UCH resource assessments, developing interpretive strategies, and providing sufficient background information to assist in making informed decisions regarding UCH resources.
Student/Early Career Professional Mentorship Committee
Mission Statement: To provide opportunities for students and early career professionals to connect with established professionals.
Underwater Archaeology Survey Guidelines Review Committee
Mission statement: To identify the full range of existing underwater archaeology survey guidance, and to create an inclusive working group represented by governmental, academic, private and CRM archaeologists to develop best practices guidelines for marine archaeology surveys.
Mission Statement: To promote the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, ensure the ACUA is an active NGO engaged with the Secretariat and other NGOs, and be an online resource for practitioners and the general public regarding the Convention.
ACUA UNESCO Scientific & Technical Advisory Body
Mission Statement: To promote the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, ensure the ACUA is an active NGO engaged with the Secretariat and other NGOs, and be an online resource for practitioners and the public regarding the Convention.
Website and Social Media Committee
Mission Statement: To create and disseminate information for the public, and to create opportunities for public dialog and interaction in support of the organization’s goals for the preservation and stewardship of underwater cultural heritage worldwide.
Intra-Society Liaison Committees
To represent the ACUA and ensure that the concerns of the Organization and the field are considered during SHA committee activities and initiatives. Committees with ACUA liaison members include: SHA Academic and Professional Training Committee, SHA Ethics Committee, SHA Conference Committee, SHA Technology Committee, SHA Government Affairs Committee, SHA UNESCO Committee, SHA Gender and Minority Affairs Committee (GMAC), and SHA Newsletter and Website Editorial Advisory Committee.