Individuals from all walks of life can help preserve our archaeological heritage through several vitally important actions.
- Support organizations that study and protect heritage resources including museums, universities, parks, and government agencies.
- Support legislation and funding for the preservation and management of archaeological sites and the enforcement of antiquities laws.
- Do not engage in the sale or purchase of artifacts.
- Make sure that an organization you choose to support is conducting real archaeological work, not profit-oriented treasure salvage.
- As divers and visitors to the underwater world, take only pictures and leave only bubbles.
- Do not disturb or remove artifacts from sites. Even the taking of small “harmless” souvenirs such as potsherds, ballast stones, and nails will eventually leave a site barren of both scientific information and recreational interest.
- Learn more about nearby archaeological projects and history by attending public archaeology events at local, state, and federal parks and recreation areas.

National Park Service underwater archaeologist Dave Conlin explains the use of specialized equipment to the children of park visitors during a public archaeology day. Photo courtesy NPS SRC.