In support of an SHA UNESCO Committee initiative to identify and facilitate training opportunities in underwater archaeology this list of scholarships, internships, and support for underwater exploration, supplemented with details of funding agencies and regularly offered scholarship/fellowship/training programs, is provided.
Minority Student/Young Professional Financial Aid Resources
For anyone attempting to navigate the often-challenging maze of financial aid, scholarships and college affordability it can be frustrating and complex. Minority students can face additional challenges. A recently-published resource guide aimed directly at minority students includes financial aid resources, overlooked fellowships and grants, and an organized list of minority scholarship opportunities. The guide can be viewed here: College Affordability for Minority Students1
The list below was started in 2009 to help students and other individuals find support for underwater exploration. Applicants should consider that underwater natural, cultural, technological and safety studies all cross disciplines. For example, the study of a shipwreck in a coral reef could be funded either as cultural or natural resource study. Coffins washing out of a coastal bluff could be an archaeological or climate change study. Safety and medical training are frequently required for underwater exploration or may be a focus of study. Technology, sustainability, and resource management are also of interest to many students of the underwater world.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Archaeological Institute of America
Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology
Beneath the Sea
Boston Sea Rovers
Council on International Education Exchange
Divers Alert Network
Diving with a Purpose
Environmental Protection Agency
Explorers Club
Honor Frost Foundation
Institute for Nautical Archaeology
International Council of Monuments and Sites
Marine Technology Society
Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
National Association of Black Scuba Divers
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Geographic Society
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Maritime Museum
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Science Foundation
Ohio Council of Skin and Scuba Divers
Our World Underwater
Research Internships in Science and Engineering
Society for Historical Archaeology
Society for Underwater Technology
Underwater Academy of Arts and Sciences
Women Divers Hall of Fame
1, 2 These links are provided as a courtesy and in no way is an endorsement of any job, announcement, program, or organization by the ACUA. It is the responsibility of the applicant to research all jobs, internships, fellowships, and scholarships to ensure they meet professional and ethical standards.
Some of the opportunities below are not focused on or have traditionally not supported underwater study.
International Grants and Fellowships
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Provides opportunities for foreign scholars to conduct research and relative activities in Germany. Offers fellowships and grants.
American Academy in Rome
Rome Prize fellowships are designed for emerging artists and for scholars in the early or middle stages of their careers. In the case of scholars, preference will be given to applicants for whom research time in Italy, and especially in the city of Rome, is essential, and who have not had extensive prior experience there.
The American Academic Research Institute in Iraq (TARII)
TARII (formerly the American Association for Research in Baghdad, AARB) has been established to promote scholarly research on and in Iraq, ancient Mesopotamia. The Institute, a consortium of American universities and museums, intends to establish a multidisciplinary American scholarly research center in Iraq when conditions permit. TARII offers fellowships.
The American Center for Mongolian Studies (ACMS)
ACMS is a non-profit educational organization that supports the development of Mongolian Studies and academic exchanges with Inner Asia. The Center offers fellowships for students and faculty.
The American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR)
Research Fellowships have been the primary means of accomplishing ACOR’s mission to promote academic awareness and research about ancient and modern Jordan and the Middle East. Through fellowships, ACOR has provided numerous educational opportunities for American and other international senior and junior scholars.
The American Institute of Afghanistan Studies (AIAS)
The organization’s aim is encouraging the study of the culture, society, land, languages, health, peoples and history of Afghanistan. It will be especially concerned with increasing the numbers of scholars in the United States who have expertise in, and understanding of Afghanistan, and to assist in the rebuilding of academic institutions and the advanced study of Afghanistan by Afghan scholars. AIAS offers fellowships and student paper prizes.
The American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS)
AIBS’s mission is to improve the scholarly understanding of Bangladesh culture and society in the United States and to promote educational exchange between the U.S. and Bangladesh. By sending undergraduate and graduate students as well as senior scholars to Bangladesh, AIBS also promote a better understanding of America in Bangladesh. The AIBS supports three types of Fellowship: Senior, Junior, and Pre-Dissertation. All are intended for research in Bangladesh for a minimum of four months and a maximum of ten to twelve months.
American Institute of Indian Studies
A cooperative, non-profit organization of fifty-nine American colleges and universities that supports the advancement of knowledge and understanding of India, its people and culture.
The American Institute of Iranian Studies (AIIrS)
AIIrS seeks to support the advancement of knowledge and understanding of Iran and Iranian culture and civilization from the earliest periods to the present. The Institute’s purview comprises the historical Iranian world of Central Asia, the Middle East and South Asia as well as the modern political state of Iran. The Institute also works with Iranian humanists and social scientists to promote and facilitate their research in the United States. AIIrS offers fellowships.
The American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS)
In the United States, AIMS serves as the professional association of scholars interested in the region. AIMS sponsors the Journal of North African Studies (JNAS), published by Francis and Taylor, provides grants for American and North African scholars interested in conducting research in the Maghrib, hosts an annual conference and dissertation workshop, and supports the Tangier Summer Advanced Arabic Language Program (TSALP).
American Institute of Pakistani Studies
Its mission is to encourage and support research on issues relevant to Pakistan and the promotion of scholarly exchange between the United States and Pakistan.
The American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies
The purpose of the institute is to bring together scholars from a wide range of disciplines and foster research on Sri Lanka. AISLS offers fellowships and travel stipends.
American Institute for Yemeni Studies
AIYS is the only American interdisciplinary academic organization active on the Arabian peninsula. It is the primary link between the American academic community and the Yemeni government as well as the Yemeni academic community. AIYS offers fellowships.
Richard Gilder Graduate School
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) is a leader in the education and training of young scientists in the natural history disciplines represented in this institution. Our fellowship programs provide training in the fields of anthropology, invertebrate zoology, paleontology (paleo-zoology), physical sciences (astrophysics and earth and planetary sciences), and vertebrate zoology.
The American Research Center in Egypt
In addition to providing administrative support and a reliable base for a wide array of expeditions and scholarly research taking place in Egypt, ARCE also provides funding, in the form of grants, for a significant number of research and conservation projects each year.
The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT)
ARIT is dedicated to promoting North American and Turkish research and exchanges related to Turkey in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. ARIT provides support for these scholarly endeavors by maintaining research centers in Istanbul and Ankara, and by administering programs of fellowships to support research in Turkey at doctoral and advanced research levels.
The American-Scandinavian Foundation
The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) promotes international understanding through educational and cultural exchange between the United States and Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
The Association for Asian Studies
The Association for Asian Studies is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the field of Asian Studies through international exchange, networking, publications, research support, and career development.
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
at Stanford University
The Center’s Residential Fellows program awards academic year residential fellowships for about 45 scholars who form a cohesive and diverse intellectual community. Fellows enjoy time and freedom to pursue their priority research, and more importantly, to expand their horizons in active engagement with their Center colleagues.
Center for Khmer Studies (CKS)
CKS has sought to provide fellowships for students and scholars as a way to promote research and international scholarly exchange on Cambodia and the Mekong region, among the international community of scholars and their Cambodian colleagues.
Council of American Overseas Research Centers
American Overseas Research Centers foster international scholarly exchange, primarily through sponsorship of fellowship programs which allow pre-doctoral and senior scholars to pursue independent research important to the increase of knowledge and to our understanding of foreign cultures.
Council on Foreign Relations
The International Affairs Fellowship Program is designed to advance the professional development of outstanding young Americans between the ages of 27 and 35. Each year, approximately ten men and women receive the opportunity to broaden their experience in the field of international affairs through this unique program.
Crane-Rogers Foundation Institute of Current World Affairs
Target of Opportunity Fellowships (for Study Outside the USA)
The primary purpose of the institute is to provide talented individuals an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of an issue, country, or region outside the United States and to share that understanding with interested segments of the English-speaking public. Areas of particular interest to the Institute include Burma, India, Iran, North Africa, Russia, Venezuela, and Southeast Asia, but candidates may seek fellowships in any country.
Fulbright Scholar Programs
Traditional Fulbright Scholar Program
The traditional Fulbright Scholar Program sends 800 U.S. faculty and professionals abroad each year. Grantees lecture and conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields. It is sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Under a cooperative agreement with the Bureau, the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) assists in the administration of the Fulbright Scholar Program for faculty and professionals.
Fulbright Specialists Program
The Fulbright Specialists Program is designed to provide short-term academic opportunities (two to six weeks) for U.S. faculty and professionals. Shorter grant lengths give specialists greater flexibility to pursue a grant that works best with their current academic or professional commitments. Applications for the Fulbright Specialists Program are accepted on a rolling basis, and peer review of applications is conducted eight times per year.
Fulbright German Studies Seminar
The two-week seminar covers wide areas of contemporary Germany with program portions in Berlin and other cities in eastern and western Germany. Each year the seminar is dedicated to a special topic. Past topics included: Urban Planning in Germany; International Migration and National Identities; Challenges of Demographics; Muslim Minorities; Germany in a Changing Europe.
The German Marshall Fund of the United States
The German Marshall Fund has brought Americans and Europeans together to increase understanding and to build future transatlantic networks among the political, media, business, and nonprofit communities. GMF works closely with partner organizations to sponsor a range of fellowship and exchange programs designed to provide both broad cultural exposure and more targeted opportunities for learning about specialized policy areas.
International Research & Exchanges (IREX)
IREX sponsors a broad range of fellowship opportunities for masters, predoctoral, and postdoctoral research, as well as for senior scholars, professionals, and policymakers.
The Italian Academy
The Fellowship Program at the Italian Academy focuses on issues relating to cultural identity, cultural transmission, and cultural memory. It has a twofold aim: to sustain the vitality of the many aspects of culture that are endangered by globalization, and to forge genuinely new links between the arts, the sciences and the social sciences. Approximately 18 Fellowships will be awarded every year.
The Jacobs Research Funds
The Jacobs Research Fund, hosted by the Whatcom Museum of History and Art in Bellingham, Washington, provides grants for anthropological and linguistic research on Native American peoples.
Palestinian American Research Center (PARC)
PARC’s mission is to improve scholarship about Palestinian affairs, expand the pool of experts knowledgeable about the Palestinians, and strengthen linkages among Palestinian, American, and foreign research institutions and scholars. PARC offers fellowships
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
Harvard University
The fellowships are designed to support scholars, scientists, artists, and writers of exceptional promise and demonstrated accomplishments who wish to pursue work in academic and professional fields and in the creative arts.
Rhodes Scholarships
American Rhodes Scholars are selected through a decentralized process by which regional selection committees choose 32 Scholars each year representing the fifty states. Applicants from more than 300 American colleges and universities have been selected as Rhodes Scholars. In most years, even after a century of competition, a Rhodes Scholar is selected from an institution which has not formerly nominated a successful applicant.
Richard Gilder Graduate School
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) is a leader in the education and training of young scientists in the natural history disciplines represented in this institution. Our fellowship programs provide training in the fields of anthropology, invertebrate zoology, paleontology (paleo-zoology), physical sciences (astrophysics and earth and planetary sciences), and vertebrate zoology.
Social Science Research Council
SSRC fellowship and grant programs provide support and professional recognition to innovators within fields, and especially to younger researchers whose work and ideas will have longer-term impact on society and scholarship. These programs often target the spaces between disciplines, where new perspectives emerge and struggle for acceptance, thus ensuring the production of knowledge and expertise on key topics, regions, and social challenges.
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
The Foundation supports significant and innovative anthropological research into humanity’s biological and cultural origins, development and variation and to foster the creation of an international community of research scholars in anthropology. The Foundation provides a variety of grants to support individual research, collaborative projects, conferences and training fellowships.
American Anthropological Association
Historical Archaeology Internships at Mount Vernon
American Museum of Natural History, Anthropology Internship Program
Anthropology Outreach Program, Smithsonian Institution
Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
Center for Strategic and International Studies
NAPA The National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Public Leadership Education Network
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Science and Technology Policy Fellowships for 2012-2013, designed to educate scientists and engineers on the intricacies of federal policy making. The annual online application system opens on September 1st. The annual deadline for receipt of all application materials, including three letters of recommendation, is 5 December at 11:59 p.m. U.S. Pacific Standard Time. We accept applications each year from early September through 5 December, for the fellowship class that begins the following September.
Energy, Environment, Agriculture Program (30-40 Placements)
Engage in projects, policies, risk assessment, evaluation, and outreach initiatives to:
- Protect animal, plant and environmental health
- Address ecosystem degradation, pollution, and biological threats
- Tackle challenges and opportunities in agriculture, fisheries, climate change, and energy
- Safeguard air, water, land, wildlife, and natural resources
- Anticipated placement opportunities:
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Energy
- Environmental Protection Agency
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Science Foundation
- U.S. Geological Service
Archaeological Institute of America
The AIA is pleased to offer fellowships for travel and study to deserving scholars and a number of scholarships and grants for students, publications, and AIA Societies. AIA scholarships, fellowships, and grants are open to members of the Archaeological Institute of America. If you have any questions, contact the Fellowship Coordinator at 617-358-4184617-358-4184 or
Requirements & Application Guidelines
AIA Fellowship and Grant Application Form
The AIA website also lists grants and fellowships from other sources. Click here to view.
AIA/DAI Fellowship for Study in Berlin
DAI/AIA Fellowship for Study in the U.S.
The Archaeological Institute of America and the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) offer reciprocal study fellowships. The program encourages and supports scholarship on various aspects of archaeology and promotes contact between North American and German archaeologists.
Olivia James Traveling Fellowship
For travel and study in Greece, Cyprus, the Aegean Islands, Sicily, southern Italy, Asia Minor, and Mesopotamia.
Helen M. Woodruff Fellowship of the AIA and the American Academy in Rome
To support a Rome Prize Fellowship for the study of archaeology or classical studies
The Archaeology of Portugal Fellowship
To support projects relating to the archaeology of Portugal
Anna C. & Oliver C. Colburn Fellowship
To support study at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Harriet and Leon Pomerance Fellowship
To support a project relating to Aegean Bronze Age archaeology.
Graduate Student Travel Award
These grants are to assist graduate students presenting papers at the AIA Annual Meeting with their travel expenses.
AIA Site Preservation Grant
The AIA’s Site Preservation Grant Program supports the conservation of ancient monuments and the preparation of management plans for long-term maintenance of the cultural and physical landscapes of sites.
Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship
A scholarship established in honor of AIA Past President Jane C. Waldbaum to assist students with the expenses associated with participation in archaeological field schools.
Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship
Established in honor of AIA Past President Jane Waldbaum, this scholarship is intended to help students who are planning to participate in archaeological field work for the first time. Students majoring in archaeology or related disciplines are especially encouraged to apply. The Scholarship Fund provides $1000 each for up to seven successful applicants to help pay expenses associated with participation in an archaeological field work project (minimum stay one month). The scholarship is open to students who have begun their junior year of undergraduate studies at the time of application and have not yet completed their first year of graduate school at a college or university in the United States or Canada. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and must not have previously participated in archaeological field work. The committee will consider both academic achievement and financial need in its deliberations. Undergraduate minority students in Classics or Classical Archaeology are also encouraged apply for the APA-AIA Minority Scholarship Program
APA-AIA Minority Scholarship Program
The purpose of the scholarship, administered with the American Philological Association, is to further the preparation of minority undergraduate students for graduate work in classics or archaeology.
American Philological Association/Archaeological Institute of America
APA-AIA Minority Scholarship Program
The Joint Committee on Minority Scholarships of the American Philological Association (APA) and the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) invites applications from minority undergraduate students for a scholarship to be awarded for summer 2011. The purpose of the scholarship is to further an undergraduate’s preparation for graduate work in classics or classical archaeology. Eligible proposals might include (but are not limited to) participation in summer programs or field schools in Italy, Greece, Egypt, etc., or language training at institutions in the U.S, Canada, or Europe. The maximum amount of the award will be $3,000.
Candidates will be judged on the basis of (a) their academic qualifications, especially in classics, including demonstrated ability in at least one classical language, or in fields that prepare a student to become an archaeologist, (b) the quality of their proposal for study particularly as preparation for a career in classics or archaeology, and (c) financial need. The application must be supported by a member of the APA or the AIA, and a statement must be included indicating that this is an appropriate candidate for the purposes of this scholarship.
NOTE: Under the classification “minority” we include African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American and Native-American students.
The AIA Publication Subvention Program
This program offers subventions from the AIA’s von Bothmer Publication Fund in support of new book-length publications in the field of Greek, Roman, and Etruscan archaeology and art history.
Society Outreach Grant Program
The Outreach and Education Grant is to encourage societies to undertake activities such as a teachers’ workshop, a kids’ archaeology fair, a symposium or event in a local library, or other project promotes archaeology and the AIA’s objectives for local community outreach.
Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology
AIMA provides an annual scholarship for members to undertake maritime archaeological research projects across Australasia.
Beneath the Sea
Sea of Tomorrow Scholarship $1,000 – To be awarded to an individual sixteen years or older to participate in a recognized or accredited program in the fields of marine environmental conservation, biology, ecology, research, or training in a diving related program necessary for participation in these field of endeavor.
Discovery Scholarship $1,500 – The Board of Trustees of Beneath the Sea has endowed this Discovery Scholarship to encourage young adults, searching for a life focus, to consider a marine career. This scholarship may be applied to a recognized program in the field of marine study or its many support services.
Marine Careers Scholarship $1,000 – Â To be awarded to an individual sixteen to twenty two years old to participate in a recognized scuba diving training program. The $1,000 award may be used for “learn to dive” or advanced diving training. Up to $500 of the award may be used for dive equipment purchase.
Jordan Viders Spirit of the Sea – Award and Scholarship $1,000 Established in 2007 in celebration of Jordan Viders, son of Hillary and Richard Viders, the Spirit of the Sea award and Scholarship means to recognize the forces driving young adults thirty-years and younger who, like Jordan, follow a career path using electronics to illuminate and expand our underwater knowledge.
Women Divers Hall of Fame/Ocean Pals – Junior Dive Training Grant $1,000 A $1,000 training grant ($500 for training & $500 for dive equipment) will be awarded to a deserving young female, ages 13-18, who wishes to begin or further her dive education/training. Up to $500 may be used for dive training, and up to $500 may be used for dive equipment.
Jorge Beale Hyperbaric Medicine Scholarship – Life Support Technologies group has generously created this scholarship in memory of a dear friend and co-worker, Doctor Jorge Beal. A true pioneer and educator in diving and hyperbaric medicine, Dr. Beal has been fundamental in the vitality of Life Support Technologies and our work supporting the Divers Alert Network. The winner of this scholarship will be invited to a Life Support Technologies forty-hour UHMS approved course at Westchester Medical Center (value of award is up to $975). Application available at:
Boston Sea Rovers
The Boston Sea Rovers accepts applications for the Frank Scalli Annual Summer Internship. Qualified graduating high school seniors and college freshman interested in pursuing underwater careers are encouraged to apply to the Sea Rovers.
Immediately following graduation or the spring semester, the 2011 scholar will intern with members of the Boston Sea Rovers and associates located throughout the United States to experience a wide variety of jobs and career choices. Based in part on the personal interests’ of the scholar, the Internship will provide advanced dive training courses and ample opportunities to dive and train with a variety of dive professionals in abroad cross section of diving environments. Opportunities will include hands-on work with professional under water photographers and filmmakers, educational specialists, marine engineers and scientists, equipment manufacturer’s representatives, and dive shop owners.
In addition to the unique time spent with some of our most distinguished members, the Scalli Intern will be outfitted with a full set of dive equipment (provided by Sea Rover Clinic corporate sponsors) for their use throughout the summer and will receive the necessary financial support to ensure travel and living expenses.
Council on International ExchangeEducational
Since 1947, CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange has been in pursuit of its mission, “to help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world.” The organization facilitates international exchange programs for students and for professional training for individuals from all over the world.
Divers Alert Network
The Divers Alert Network (DAN) Research Internship Program provides experiences that motivate young people toward careers in medicine, diving or dive-related fields. Intern applicants can be students from colleges, universities and medical schools. The program runs primarily from mid-May through August in the U.S. Â The application deadline is January 15th. Candidates may be interviewed via telephone by the Internship Director or potential mentor. Interns will be notified of selection decisions by March 1st.
Environmental Protection Agency
National Center for Environmental Research, Office of Research and Development
Research Fellowships and Scholarships
Financial Support for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in Environmental Sciences is available from the National Center for Environmental Research, a unit of the EPA Office of Research and Development, which is seeking Fellowship Applications for its Undergraduate and Graduate Environmental Study.
STAR Fellowships
EPA’s STAR graduate fellowship program supports masters and doctoral candidates in environmental studies. The actual amount awarded per year will vary depending on the amount of tuition and fees and the number of months the stipend is needed. Â Benefits of an EPA STAR Fellowship include: Up to $42,000 per year of support, including $12,000 per year for tuition and fees, $25,000 per year in a monthly stipend, and an annual expense allowance of $5,000. Master’s level students can receive support for a maximum of two years. Doctoral students can be supported for a maximum of three years with funding available, under certain circumstances, over a period of four years.
GRO Undergraduate Fellowships
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is offering Greater Research Opportunities Undergraduate Fellowships for bachelor level students in environmentally related fields of study. Eligible students will receive support for their junior and senior years of undergraduate study and for an internship at an EPA facility during the summer between their junior and senior years. The fellowship provides up to $19,700 per year of academic support and up to $9,500 of internship support for the three-month summer period, for a total of up to $48,900 for the two year period.
Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Fellows Program
To enhance the training of highly qualified and motivated public health professionals, EPA has partnered with the Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) to offer a professional development program for graduates of accredited US Schools of Public Health. Graduates apply to ASPH in December or January for one-year placements in EPA laboratories or offices to work on high-priority, environmental, public health issues. Fellows work with technical mentors to design projects that capitalize on their individual skills and interests while addressing important environmental public health goals. Applicants must be US citizens or hold a visa permitting permanent residence in the U.S. For additional information go to:
EPA Marshall Scholarship Program
In recognition of the global nature of environmental challenges and the need to pool the resources of many nations to solve environmental problems, EPA has joined with the United Kingdom’s Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, which has been administering the esteemed Marshall Scholarship since 1953. Through an EPA Marshall Scholarship, up to three talented individuals with strong backgrounds in environmentally relevant sciences are selected each year to receive up to five years of graduate education assistance. The first two years are supported by the UK through a Marshall Scholarship to a university in Great Britain. Successful candidates may receive up to three additional years of support towards a doctoral degree, either in England or in the US. Applications are due each year in October. Go to the Marshall Scholarship web site for more information:
The Explorers Club
The Explorers Club offers grants to students conducting individual scientific or exploration research projects through their respective schools with a supervising instructor. Your instructor must write a letter of support. We do not provide general scholarships for tuition.
Youth Activity Fund for high school students and college undergraduates, fosters a new generation of explorers dedicated to the advancement of scientific knowledge of the world. Our awards typically range from $500-1500 US for both funds. A few awards may be granted up to a $5000 award level.
Exploration Fund, for graduate, post-graduate, doctorate and early career post-doctoral students, provides grants in support of exploration and field research for those who are just beginning their research careers. Our awards typically range from $500-1500 US for both funds. A few awards may be granted up to a $5000 award level.
Honor Frost Foundation
The Honor Frost Foundation supports developing education at Masters, Doctoral and Postdoctoral levels in conjunction with a variety of international academic institutions to students and scholars from Lebanon, Cyprus, Syria and Egypt. The Foundation also offers a PhD scholarship to enable students from the region to undertake doctoral research in maritime archaeology at a university of their choice.
Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA)
The Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) is the world’s oldest not-for-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the scientific study of shipwrecks and submerged sites. Founded in 1973 by George F. Bass, who pioneered the science of complete scientific archaeological excavation underwater in 1960, INA has worked for decades on more than 160 sites around the world, including the oldest shipwreck yet excavated from 3,300 years ago. INA maintains a conservation laboratory, a research library and student/visiting scholar quarters in Bodrum, Turkey.
Small grants and logistical support for research, surveys and excavations, as well as post-field work conservation and analysis. Available to students and faculty; while institutional affiliation or partnership with INA is not required, a relationship with your school and INA is preferred. Projects are submitted annually for review by the INA archaeological committee, with the deadline set in advance but usually no later than 30 September of each calendar year.
INA also hosts selected scholars and interns seeking experience in nautical archaeology conservation in Bodrum. Applications are accepted year-round; applications are made in writing, with CV and three letters of recommendation to the President, Institute of Nautical Archaeology, PO Drawer HG, College Station, Texas 77841 USA. Internship and visiting scholar applications are promptly reviewed and answered. Successful applicants receive training and free lodging.
International Council of Monuments and Sites
Program Overview
The US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program. Internships are approximately 12 weeks in length and are usually held during the summer (from June to August), although some internships may be held at other times of the year.
The U.S. National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS) is one of numerous national committees forming a worldwide alliance for the study and conservation of historic buildings, districts, and sites. It is the focus of international cultural resources exchange in the United States, working to share preservation information and expertise worldwide. It also highlights and interprets the unique American preservation system: the partnership between private organizations and federal, state, and local governments, and the cooperation between the academic community, professionals and civic volunteers. The U.S. National Committee is one of the largest national committees of ICOMOS.
Applications from prospective interns are due in January. Application procedures can be found on the US/ICOMOS website at
US/ICOMOS also seeks host organizations, such as non-profits, government agencies, and private firms, who are potentially interested in hosting a US/ICOMOS intern, whether in the United States or overseas. Information on hosting US/ICOMOS interns and a letter of interest form can be found on the US/ICOMOS website at\
The general schedule is as follows, with most internships taking place during the summer months but some internships occurring during the fall as well. US/ICOMOS is willing to work with host organizations to accommodate different schedules and durations of internships where necessary.
Applications and Placement Decisions
January – Applications from prospective interns due and letters of interest from prospective host organizations due
March – Notification to applicants of the shortlist selections
April – Notification of placement
Orientation, Summer Internships, and Final Program
June 1-4 Intern orientation in Washington, DC
June 5-6 Interns travel to their host locations
June 7 – August 16 Internship at their host organization
August 17 Summer Interns return to Washington, DC and fall interns arrive for orientation
August 18/19 – Program Reception in Washington, DC
Fall Internships
August 20 – Summer interns return home and fall interns travel to their host organizations (end date is negotiated with the host).
Marine Technology Society
Applications are due by April 15
Scholarships are available to:
- MTS student members
- High school seniors who plan to study a marine science/engineering/technology field and who have been accepted into a full-time college curriculum
- All high school and college students interested in remotely operated vehicles.
- Students in Texas.
Teledyne RD Instruments in Poway, Calif., is sponsoring100 new MTS memberships for college students. Call (410) 884-5330(410) 884-5330. Available to MTS Student Members
Charles H. Bussmann Undergraduate Scholarship $2,500 Open only to MTS student members; undergraduate students enrolled full time in a marine-related field
Charles H. Bussmann Graduate Scholarship $2,500 Open only to MTS student members; graduate students enrolled full time in a marine-related field
The MTS Student Scholarship for Graduate and Undergraduate Students $2,000 Open to any graduate or undergraduate students enrolled full time in a marine-related field
The MTS Student Scholarship for Two-Year, Technical, Engineering and Community College Students $2,000 Open to any student enrolled in a two-year, technical, engineering or community college in a marine-related field
The MTS Student Scholarship for Graduating High School Seniors $2,000 Open to high school seniors who have been accepted into a full-time undergraduate program
John C. Bajus Scholarship $1,000 Open only to MTS student members; undergraduates and graduate students enrolled full time in a marine-related field who have shown a commitment to community service and/or volunteer activities
The Paros-Digiquartz Scholarship $2,000 Open to students with an interest in marine instrumentation; undergraduates and graduate students enrolled full time in an academic institution; high school seniors who have been accepted into a full-time undergraduate program
Dieter Family Travel Scholarship Full student registration
Open to MTS student members only; undergraduate and graduate students enrolled full time in a marine-related field and up to $500 for travel-related expenses at specified conferences
ROV Scholarship Up to $10,000 Open to any students interested in remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) or underwater work that furthers the use of ROVs; graduates, undergraduates and high school students
Available to Students Who Are Not MTS Members
ROV Scholarship
The MTS Student Scholarship for Graduating High School Seniors
Up to $10,000. Open to any students interested in remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) or underwater work that furthers the use of ROVs; graduating high school students (college students may apply for this scholarship, but they must be MTS members)
$2000. Open to high school seniors who have been accepted into a full-time undergraduate program
Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for master’s and doctoral degrees in oceanography, marine biology, maritime archaeology. The program seeks to increase the number of women and minorities in these scientific disciplines, particularly as they relate to the mission of the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Graduate Fellowships in Population Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics are available from the California Sea Grant College Program. The National Marine Fisheries Service Sea Grant Joint Graduate Fellowship Programs are a grant or cooperative agreement of $38,500 per year. Applications for this opportunity are due in January. Check the website for deadline date and time.
John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program
Applications for Sea Grant John A. Knauss Fellowships are being accepted. Any student, regardless of citizenship, who is in a graduate or professional program in a marine or aquatic-related field at a United States-accredited institution of higher education in the United States or U.S. Territories, may apply for a fellowship at his/her institution.
National Maritime Museum (UK)
The Museum is keen to encourage proposals from both maritime historians and scholars from other disciplines who are interested in exploring the cultural, social and political aspects of maritime history. Seven fellowships are offered for research. New fellowships are advertised in September/October each year. The deadline for applications is 1 November.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Office of Education
The Student Opportunities website is designed to provide information about educational opportunities that are available throughout NOAA. Information on scholarships, internships and fellowships including a brief description of each program; application deadline; award amount; dates of opportunity; contact name, telephone number, and e-mail address; and website for the various opportunities are found on this site. High school, Undergraduate and graduate opportunities.
The National Sea Grant College Program sponsors a variety of marine research, outreach and education projects, primarily through the 32 state Sea Grant Programs.
The National Sea Grant College Program also has established a series of National Strategic Investments (NSIs) that complement the strategic objectives of the state Sea Grant Programs.
Fellowship Opportunities for Graduate Students
The Knauss fellowship, established in 1979, provides a unique educational experience to students who have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. The program matches highly qualified graduate students with “hosts” in the legislative and executive branch of government located in the Washington, D.C. area, for a one year paid fellowship.
NOAA’s National Sea Grant Office and NOAA Fisheries established a Graduate Fellowship Program in population dynamics and marine resource economics. The fellowship is for Ph.D. students who are interested in either of these two disciplines.
National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for United States Graduate Students is a flagship international fellowship program for developing the next generation of globally-engaged U.S. scientists and engineers knowledgeable about the Asian and Pacific regions. Fellows participate in 8- or 10-week research experiences at host laboratories in Australia, China, Japan (10 weeks), Korea, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan from June to August.
Ohio Council of Skin and Scuba Divers, Inc.
You, or a family member, must be a member in good standing of the Ohio Council of Skin and Scuba Divers, Inc. (OCSSDI). You must be enrolled in a college or technical school that will prepare you for a marine-related career. The Board of Directors of the OCSSDI will have total discretion as to the scholarship winner(s); amount of the scholarship(s); and the number of scholarships to be awarded or not awarded.
Our World Underwater
Rolex Scholarships
Currently there are three Rolex Scholarships: North America, Europe, and Australasia. Each Rolex Scholarship provides a hands-on introduction to underwater and other aquatic-related endeavors for a young person considering a career in an underwater-related discipline. One scholar is selected from each of the three regions and each scholar spends approximately one year working side by side with current leaders in underwater fields. Each scholar travels primarily within his or her region, but may have opportunities throughout the underwater world. The range of experiences may include active participation in field studies, underwater research, scientific expeditions, laboratory assignments, equipment testing and design, photographic instruction, and other specialized assignments. Scholars pursue activities in their chosen disciplines during the one-year period between Our World Underwater Scholarship Society’s annual spring meetings.
The OWUSS Summer internships are offered for a 1 to 3 month period and are primarily directed at college undergraduates and graduating seniors. Internship recipients will receive a grant to help fund travel to/from site, room and board, and a stipend to cover living expenses.
For the summer of 2011, the OWUSS currently plans to award 1 internship in Europe and 5 internships in North America. For more details on internships, click here
Divers Alert Network (DAN) Research Internship Program
The DAN Research Internship Program provides experiences that motivate young people toward careers in medicine, diving or dive-related fields. Interns applicants can be students from colleges, universities and medical schools. The program runs primarily from mid May (training at DAN) through August and starts at DAN headquarters where interns receive an orientation to dive-related science and research. Part of the DAN Research Internship Program is designed to expand Project Dive Exploration data collection. Alternatively, interns may be assigned to assist in scientific and medical research at DAN headquarters.
After training, interns are assigned to field or lab studies for two to four months. Interns may work at various dive location, at research facilities affiliated with DAN or at DAN headquarters in Durham, North Carolina.
National Park Service Research Internship
The National Park Service Research Internship will provide a unique opportunity to work with leading archaeologists, underwater photographers, and scientists in the National Park Service and other agencies in the American state and federal government. Specific work projects will be determined based upon interests of the intern as well as the needs of associated projects. The internship will be based in Denver Colorado but it is expected that the intern will travel to projects within the continental United States and potentially overseas as part of this internship. The internship could involve a specific project in a single park or a larger project in multiple parks.
The Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF)
Marine Conservation Internship
Offered in Key Largo, Florida, the Marine Conservation Internship provides an opportunity to experience the working at a nonprofit environmental organization. REEF is a grass-root, non-profit organization of recreational divers dedicated to protecting and preserving the underwater environment. Outside duties include environmental presentations to local and visiting school, university, dive and public groups; working with other local marine conservation entities; and opportunities for conducting marine life surveys during local dives. Office duties include handling memberships, incoming marine life survey data, answering e-mail and dealing with the public.
Research Internships in Science and Engineering
Undergraduate students who are in engineering, among other areas, can apply for Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE). They will be matched with well-known German companies where they will gain insight into the professional applications of science and engineering and develop practical skills. Internships can last from 6 weeks to 6 months. Undergraduates must submit applications for this opportunity by December 6 to January 31.
Society for Historical Archaeology
The site lists colleges and universities which offer special programs in historical archaeology. Many of these schools offer scholarship and support for students.
The Society for Underwater Technology
Student grants and scholarships for study abroad in the United Kingdom. The Society for Underwater Technology’s Educational Support Fund offers sponsorship awards to high caliber undergraduate and postgraduate students, either starting or continuing a degree which embraces at least one relevant component area of marine science, underwater technology or offshore engineering. Applications are also welcome from those from mainline engineering courses where students can demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the marine field.
The Society’s Educational Support Fund currently pays its sponsorship students up to a maximum of 4,000 per annum for a full academic year. This top-up grant does not affect the eligibility for an EPSRC grant.
Postgraduate candidates should have a first degree in a relevant engineering or science subject, and be seeking a place on a one year MSc postgraduate course of study related to offshore engineering, marine science or underwater technology. The grants are open to any student, irrespective of age or nationality.
Underwater Academy of Arts and Sciences – Zale Parry Underwater Sciences Scholarship
The Zale Parry Scholarship annually awards $2000.00 plus $500.00 stipend towards travel expenses to deserving individuals. Candidates eligible for the scholarship are college students who are seeking to advance their knowledge or enter a professional career in the fields of underwater research, equipment technology or hyperbaric research. The Zale Parry Scholarship is administered by The Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences.
The Women Divers Hall of Fame™ (WDHOF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring and raising awareness of the contributions of outstanding women divers. WDHOF provides educational, mentorship, financial, and career opportunities to the diving community throughout the world. Each year, WDHOF awards scholarships and training grants that provide financial and educational support to individuals of all ages, particularly those who are preparing for professional careers that involve scuba diving. Applications will be accepted for scholarships and training grants. Applicants may apply for only ONE scholarship or ONE training grant.