Technical Briefs

National Park Service ConserveOGrams are short, focused leaflets about caring for museum objects. In addition to specific handling and storage instructions for a wide variety of museum objects and materials, there is much information on safety and emergency preparedness and response.ConserveOGrams particularly relevant to archaeological or underwater artifacts include:

1/4 Use of Acryloid B-72 Lacquer for Labeling Museum Objects 1993
1/8 Using Silica Gel in Microenvironments 1999

6/1 First Aid for Wet-Site Objects 1993
6/2 Desalinization: Passive Alkaline Soak 1993
6/3 Testing for Chlorides with Silver Nitrate 1993
6/5 Soluble Salts and Deterioration of Archeological Materials 1998
6/6 Long-Term Effects of Acid-Cleaning Archeological Ceramics 1999

National Park Service ConserveOGrams can be found at:

ConserveOGrams are published by the NPS Museum Management Program, which also publishes a useful Museum Handbook in three volumes, available on line at

Historic England: Archaeological Conservation Technical Advice

Canadian Conservation Institute Services, Publications and Information

Australian Institute for Conservation Conserving Archaeological Materials, including from Marine Environments

UK Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA)
Standards and Guidance for Archaeology, including nautical archaeology

Finds: Standards and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and research of archaeological materials (2014)

Nautical Archaeology: Standard and guidance for nautical archaeological recording and reconstruction (2014)

American Institute for Conservation
Learn more about the work of or AIC Groups and Networks

Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology

Bibliographies and Books

Preserving Archaeological Remains In Situ: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference 2001 Oxbow Books 2012

Flinders University Conservation Bibliography

TAMU Conservation Bibliography

American Institute for Conservation Publications

Introduction to Conservation of Underwater Finds Bibliography